Friday, April 24, 2009

Strongest Antibiotic To Get Rid Of Std

Arrival in Lukla

ENG: The Whole team puts in Lukla yesterday! After a difficulty trek (about 1500 meters' ramp) and Louis-Philippe finally Reached Norbert Lukla. Easily found Joseph Theys healthy and ready to start The Next Step to the Base Camp.

Since The Beginning THEY Learned a Lot About the Himalaya Mountains mythic The Most In The World. The house of snow (in Sanskrit, and snow Him alaya = = house), Which Is More Than's 2400km long and covers an area of more than 600,000km². It crosses five countries: India, Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. There are many ethnic groups influenced, but not only, by Hinduism and Buddhism. This mosaic of cultures and traditions prevents any generalisation on the people living in the regions: in Nepal, between 24 and 100 different languages and dialects are coexisting…
Each day gives them the opportunity to meet people and learn about this fascinating place.

FRA : Toute l'équipe s'est retrouvée à Lukla! Après une partie difficile (environ 1500 m de dénivellé dans la journée) Louis-Philippe et Norbert ont finalement atteint Lukla. Ils easily have found Joseph in great shape ready to attack the new stage toward the base camp.

Since the beginning, they have learned a lot about the Himalayas, the mountain chain
p read mythical world. The abode of snow (in Sanskrit, Him alaya = snow = house) which stretches over 2400km long and covers an area of about 600 000km ². It crosses five countries: India, Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, is inhabited by many ethnic groups influenced, among others, Buddhism and Hinduism. The mosaic of customs and cultures prevents any generalization about the people who live in the Himalayas. Nothing in Nepal, there are the Limbus, the Rai, Newar, Sherpa, the Tamang and Gurung further. can be heard in Nepal between 24 and 100 languages and dialects ...
Each day is made new friends and allows them to learn about this fascinating place.


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